Friday, August 26, 2011

music bank 110826

yeorebun!!! annyeonghaseyo!!!
*dances around* to my very first kpop update! weehee~

Well, i want to clarify here that I had made a VERY long blog entry before, and something went wrong and I had to rewrite all over again =.=;;;;

But for the sake of writing, I'll do it, but infos that I want to include before might not be included here, due to my 'short term memory loss' and maybe just because of pure laziness.

Well, I remembered to mention a debut stage I think, by the first Korean girl band I have seen on tv, Sweet Revenge. They remembered me of K-on! because they are so cute, yet they gave off such a powerful performance! ^^

Then, another debut stage by Stellar. I have seen them yesterday on M!Countdown, their debut stage as well. Honestly speaking, I don't like them... Their style; dancing wise and the way they dress were similar to 2ne1's which is fine, I guess, but they have an added feature that I dislike which is being minx. Sorry Eric-ssi, maybe you can do something with the added feature?

Then a comeback stage, I reckon? Well, I've never come across this group before, but they sound so niceeee. Their voice is good, and the song is ever so addictive! smoothie, smoothie, smoothie~

note to self: need to download this song!
Miss A's "Goodbye Baby" stage was daebak! I like their opening act. They are minxish, but in a good way. In fact, I see them more as being charismatic, rather than being slutty.

And the result for today's show...between T-ara's Roly Poly and Super Junior's Mr. Simple...

The winner is no other than SUPER JUNIOR~~~

I love how Shindong, Eunhyuk and Kyu I think, got all excited for the win. Happy to see those gum smile again, hyukkie-ah~

And during the performance, Heechul made a mess with his hair which I find veeery hot!
I'm gonna miss you when you're gone Heechul-ah. Be good, and take care, will you? I love you.

And that's the end of my thoughts on today's show... Chukahae SuJu oppadeul!

I found this tumblr post and this totally sums up who do i like in kpop world...

dab dab hae

Well, first off, the meaning of the blog post.

"What lah did sera post as her blog title...
Did she just swore??
I thought she promised to not cuss in her blog?"

Actually, it's a Korean word for frustrated. Here's the hangul one 답답해

And yeah, I'm frustrated right now alright. Well, I spent a good hour or so to customize my blog ie. change the fonts and whatnot, but it turned out to be a complete failure.

What a waste of my precious time....

I've always wanted a blog with cute fonts like in me2day where the K-artists post their entry at.

Haishh, I'm disappointed with my noobself. I know that I can change the setting if I want, but it would take time, and time is what I really need the most right now. I haven't start anything with my IAs, EE or TOK and it has been 2 days since the holiday started. I think I spent too much time here. So, I'll post one more post today, and that's it!

Till next time...annyeong!

i'm breaking my rules again

I'm baaaack.
So according to plan,
  1. Find slideshow of jeje
  2. Add some more cute widgets
  3. Post rules and regulations
  4. Post 1 new blog entry
  5. Update on mubank
  6. Calendar, things to do/post it--for academic/ kpop
  7. Change font
  8. Add home link
So, to fulfill number 3 on the list, I'm gonna post list of rules and regulations..but hey, what's up with the blog title? No need to trouble myself creating silly rules if I'm gonna break it right? Heads up, that will be explained in the rules later... ^^

Kim Sera's Blog Rules
  • blog titles are to be of korean song titles or lyrics, if appropriate
  • 80/20 rule: 80% of blog posts are for personal rants and Islamic posts while the other 20% are especially for kpop posts
  • no use of vulgar words are to be found in any part of this blog, be it from the author's herself nor from some random anonymous people who like this blog so much that she or he unknowingly post it here (be reminded such comments/posts with such words will be terminated immediately)
  • the author's are to speak freely of her mind but to a extent that it would not hurt others; physically or mentally ie. rantings are not to be subjected to the person directly. However, use of nickname which cannot be detected by the original person is allowed
  • the author must be reminded that this blog is for the betterment of herself as well; to improve on her rusty english and her all-over-the-place grammar. Thus, she should take this blog seriously and any grammar mistake is a no-no!

Other rules might be apply later, but for now, let's just stick to these rules.


a quick update before i go and perform the subuh prayer~ weeee~
I kinda getting attached to this now. haha
Well, I had quite a scrumptious sahur just now. Sweet and sour fish. yummy~
But the time was too short since I woke up late, and it was nearing the azan, so I didn't get to ''enjoy'' the dish. More like ''melantak'' the dish, haha.
Okay, I'm gonna go pray now, and then back to lala land. weehee~ Need plenty of rest before I can go down and hard with this precious blog of mine <3

Till next time, annyeong!


kyaaa it's 3.30 am already and I'm still not asleep yet just to spruce up this blog. I can't believe I'm taking this blog seriously. Even I'm surprised by my own actions. Well, this is the list I'm gonna do to the blog hopefully tomorrow:

  1. Find slideshow of jeje
  2. Add some more cute widgets
  3. Post rules and regulations
  4. Post 1 new blog entry
  5. Update on mubank
  6. Calendar, things to do/post it--for academic/ kpop
  7. Change font
  8. Add home link
There, *wipes off sweat* what a long list to do. Well, since I'm taking this blog seriously, and considering how much time I've spent just to make this blog a lil bit nicer (?), so I, Maisarah Omar vow to keep updating and don't let all my efforts till now wasted just like that!! \m/

notes to self: You can do this sera-yah, you love to write plus your English is getting rusty nowadays plus you can't leave your cute whale and fishies just like that... YOU NEED TO DO THIS!

bidadari berwajah manusia

Plagiat dari banyak sumber... tiada sumber asli yang sah
sebuah kisah teladan untuk wanita
bertanya pada sang bidadari berwajah manusia...

"wahai kakakku, kanapakah lemah sungguh kaum hawa itu, asyik berteman tangis dan sendu sahaja."

lalu berbicara si bidadari berwajah manusia...

"wahai adikku. bukan wanita itu lemah dek kerana tangis dan sendunya. tetapi disitulah wahai adikku kekuatan utuh tak ternilai andai pandai digunakan sebaiknya. tangis sendunya wanita itu wahai adikku bisa meleburkan ego seorang lelaki...menjadi "izzah" yang paling gah bahkan lebih gah dari egonya seorang lelaki. kerana sendu rayunya wanita itu, Musa a.s terselamat dari kekejaman Firaun. duhai adikku, lembut wanita itu bukan lemah tetapi senjata."

si adik tidak berpuas hati. lalu dipertikaikan lagi...

"namun wahai kakakku, wanita itu fitnah dunia."

tersenyum sang bidadari berwajah manusia.

"pernahkah dengar akan pesanan Ilahi pada hambaNya? wahai para lelaki yang beriman, tundukkanlah pandanganmu. lalu Allah berfirman lagi antaranya bermaksud: wahai para wanita yang beriman, tundukkanlah pandanganmu, dan tutuplah auratmu. lantas cuba asik nilai kepada siapakah terlebih dahulu Allah dahulukan pesananNya?pada hamba yang bergelar ar-rijal. kerana andai, sang lelaki menjaga pandangannya, maka tidak mungkin akan terlihat akan wanita yang menjadi fitnah pada dirinya. dan tidak Allah lupakan pesanan buat wanita, agar memelihara auratnya kerana disitulah kehormatannya. sesungguhnya para wanita syurga bergelar Hurun 'Ain itu, mereka tidak memperlihatkan diri mereka kecuali kepada para suami mereka sahaja. dan mereka dikatakan wanita-wanita yang suci. namun...wanita yang beriman itu, kata Rasulullah, lebih tinggi martabatnya!!bukan fitnah semata-mata jikalau ar-rijal dan an-nisa' sama-sama mematuhi pesanan Ilahi itu!!sesungguhnya wanita yang beriman yang selohah itu lebih baik dari ribuan lelaki soleh."

"tetapi kakakku, kenapa wanita itu menjadi peragaan?tidakkah mereka merasa malu??"

sang bidadari berwajah manusia menguntum senyum penuh makna. adus!!semakin terasa mendalam kasih sayang pada penghuni jannah ini...

"wahai adikku di zaman Rasulullah, diperintahkan wanita-wanita yang beriman itu untuk menutupi aurat mereka, dengan itu mereka mudah dikenali sebagai wanita yang bermaruah. maka demikianlah adikku menilai mereka. tetapi perlu juga dilihat pada hatinya..pada akhlaknya..

dizaman ini tidak susah membezakan wanita yang solehah dan yang toleh. namun adikku...jangan dikau cemuh wanita yang toleh itu..kerana didalam hati mereka, tetap ada permata yang indah...perasaan cinta pada Allah...kerana fitrah cinta pada Rabb itu sentiasa ada dalam jiwa insan. adikku mereka ini tetap punyai keinginan untuk kembali pada jalan yang mereka tahu hak Allah. cuma kadang-kadang term solehah itu terasa berat di bahu mereka...kadang mereka takut pada persepsi wara' dan alim. sedangkan itu cumalah persepsi. hakikatnya wara' itu bermaksud menjaga.

maka sesiapa sahaja yang menjaga adalah wara'. alim itu maksudnya mengetahui. barangsiapa yang berilmu maka dia adalah alim dalam bidangnya. persepsi yang salah pada dua perkataan ini menjadikan mereka takut untuk berubah kepada 'stage' yang lebih baik. kerana begitulah persepsi masyarakat. sedangkan mereka alpa...Allah tidak menjadikan makhluk ciptaanNya ini tanpa tujuan dan garis panduan.Allah tidak zalim kepada ciptaanNya. bila mana Dia menciptakan Hawa itu dari rusuk Adam...Dia telah mengetahui apakah sebaik-baiknya buat makhluk bergelar Hawa ini...ditinggikan martabat golongan Hawa ini...tapi sayang...golongan Hawa ini kadang-kadang merendahkan martabat mereka yang Allah jadikan penuh kemuliaan...

wahai adikku...1001 keindahan penciptaan wanita

pandai-pandailah kau menilai..antara permata dan debu-debu kilauan pasir.

adik terpaku sendiri...tergamam tiada sepatah kata terpancul dari bibir manis itu...diam...diam dalam ta'jub mendengar kisah sang bidadari berwajah manusia itu..

sang bidadari lalu bangkit. bicaranya sudah berakhir buat masa ini. pastikan dia sambung perbualannya dengan penghuni syurga ini. wahai adikku..sungguh tulus bersih jiwamu. benarlah kata Allah s.w.t, kamu kanak-kanak adalah penghuni syurga!!

alangkah bertuah dirimu adik..
dan aku???hanya bidadari berwajah manusia...berhakkah menjadi bidadari syurga??
CR: أميرل ازرين فاهرور روزي
[A/N] Well, this is not really my post, you see. I got it from someone who posted it on KMB's page on FB. Pretty much i wanted to post something that is inspiring, spiritual and at the same time reminds me of the image that i have to portray as a true muslimah, God willing as my very first post! *dances around* Well, this is not really my first blog. It's my blog after a few failed attempts. *I hope this one lasts* Well, feel free to read this blog. And oh yea, I really need the drive to continue on writing, so maybe a hey or a simple hi indicating there is someone reading this is very, very much appreciated! An advanced kamsahamnida from me! *awkwardly grins* Till next time, annyeong!