That's kolej mara banting for ya.. *winkwink*
I'll be giving out a few heads-up on what can you do to spend your 2-years time here, and make it less I.B-oring...
[A/N: i'm an ex KMB-ian, class of 2010-2012 aka D'Batch]
It's fun to do this with your acquaintances and trust me, you guys will become closer afterwards..
The process is a bit leceh, but it's worth it ^^
[ A/N: done this with my mentor-mentee group, BBQ chicken is simply awe to the some! ]
note: picture above is for illustration purposes only ^^ |
check out the gym
Even if you're not the sporty type, the gym is just a must-go place for every KMB students! It's soooo cool. There are squash place, place where you have these big mirrors, and many different equipment to keep you fit as fiddle!
[ A/N: been here quite a few times for cheer practice, sports' day or just to chill out but never make it a routine to hit the gym; which explains the flabby everything :( ]
note: picture above is for illustration purposes only ^^ |
music room
Well, this place is actually restricted, but it's a very cool place to hang out.. No wonder the music club members are so easy-going, they have a special place to chill in this stressful place of KMB :] There are many instruments available for you to just let your talent shiine~
[ A/N: me and my classmates even made our own rendition of hari raya song in this very room, and it was aweesome! :D ]
cook in the cooking room
You may conduct this activity during mentor-mentee session. Or if you want to spend longer time with Mrs. Pot and Mr. Pan, you might want to join the cooking club!
play sports
There are A LOT of tournaments that you can join throughout these 2 years. Interblock, sports festival, to name a few. This is your chance to add a few medals to your collection :D
chill in the TV room
Well, this is the best place to release your stress, as no money is required. You can hang out with your friends watching movies, and maybe buka puasa together here.
stay up in the common room
This is where i spent most of the crucial time finishing the excruciating math portfolio, burning the midnight oil getting ready for examinations, and discuss projects with fellow group members. The more the merrier, right? When you do your work together with your friends, it becomes less stressful, somehow..
[A/N i remembered how my classmates and I went cuckoo finishing up our math portfolio here, we didn't manage to go to sleep the whole night and went to class the next morning looking like zombies O-O]
lepak at KFC
Not Kentucky Fried Chicken, but Koperasi Food Court :) Kueytiaw Pattaya is a must-have and roti boom Abdul Alim is simply irresistible! You must go and try it out!!
go alamanda/banting
Well, if your sponsors have just bank-in your allowances for the month, you might want to spend it WISELY at alamanda/banting. A class trip would be fun, and if you're the adventurous type, you can go by your own to these places just for the fun of it. Be careful though!
My first time eating in a dulang with 5 other people is in KMB. A very interesting experience, I have to admit. You can do it together with classmates, your usrahmates, IRP mates...
[ A/N: you may become lovey-dovey by feeding one another >.< ]
Bulatan gembira, or the cool conference, as the boys referred it to, is one experience you wouldn't want to miss! The girls have their usrah every Friday, (compulsory) and the boys have it on Tuesday (I think). Worry not, because akak naqibah and abang naqib are all nice people :)
I'm ending this note with a shoutout to the juniors in KMB, I hope you guys have a great time in KMB because I know I did, and good luck in your IB exam!
To the D'Batch, thank you for the memories, ukhuwwah fillah till jannah insyaAllah ;D